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DALL·E 2023-11-26 15.16.39 - A photo-realistic image of a lush alfalfa field with Highland

Hoof and Hide Apothecary specializes in tallow-based skincare, our products are crafted with the utmost care for quality and sustainability. Each product is a testament to the harmony between human health and the natural world, providing nourishment not just for the body but also soothing the soul. With a deep respect for the healing powers of the earth, Hoof and Hide Apothecary stands as a beacon of natural wellness and organic beauty.


Pick Yours

At Hoof and Hide Apothecary, we choose our products carefully, putting our clients’ taste and needs first. Take a look at our selected brands and discover new must-haves. Your endless variety of products is one click away.

Client 2


Beauty at Its Best

Since their founding, Hexa has grown into a brand that inspires customers to make their own rules when it comes to beauty. With effortless and unique products, this brand is one of our clients’ all-time favorites.

Client 3


Cult Classic

For years, Targo has been a leader in beauty and skincare, a cherished staple passed down for generations. They are top of the line when it comes to natural luxury, using only the highest quality organic ingredients.

Client 5


Skincare Champion

Hera is proud to be an inclusive and sustainable company that celebrates what makes each and every one of us beautiful. Known for their innovative and multifaceted products, Hera is one of the most beloved beauty brands in the industry.

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